i shall die happy.
I've been waiting for months for Apple to unveil the iPhone, which they did this morning. Even almost more awesome than that, however, is the fact that Crunch Gear has been liveblogging from Macworld's keynote address since 9 this morning (they finished as I wrote this post) with some applet installed that keeps refreshing the site so you don't have to. Not that I had my browser window open all morning or anything.
But back to the iPhone- Cingular signed the contract to exclusively offer the phone sight unseen, and they were so smart to do so. A 2 megapixel camera (and since I just lost my SD550, that's a bonus). Touchscreen interface with a QWERTY keyboard. Runs on OS X, son! Can run actual applications and widgets. Push IMAP email. Fully integrated browser with multiple windows, much like the Expose feature on Macs. I just had a nerdgasm.
I have friends with the Blackberry Pearl and the Samsung Blackjack, both of which are nifty phones/PDAs/gadgets, but this iPhone puts them both to shame, at the very least aesthetically (it's even thinner than the Blackjack!). The fact that it operates on GSM/EDGE and not UTMS seems to be an issue for some people, but my nerdery doesn't extend that far, so I have no idea what that even means. All I know is that when my deal with the devil Sprint expires in July, momma's gonna have a brand new phone.
Check Apple's iPhone page for the full beauty.