i'm lucky to have such clever friends.
In a further attempt to alienate anyone who reads my blog and DOESN'T frequent the Cap Hill "scene," here's an IM conversation from earlier today that I keep thinking (and giggling) about:
bailee: hey, was it just me, or did [REDACTED] SUCK BALLS?
donte: it was lame - i came by for my hellos and well wishes, and that was it
bailee: i am SO TIRED of hearing the same 10 songs every time i go to that night.
donte: although i did appreciate some electro track they played
-i tired of that long ago
-yeah, i wonder if all those djs have some playlist that they all share
bailee: totally!
- and they're not even that great of djs.
- my friend made a really good point: "none of those dudes probably listen to music."
donte: i feel like the same can be said for much of the audience
- it's just top 40 for hipsters
bailee: exactly.
- over it.
donte: i don't think you're allowed to say that. vice magazine will send the hipster gestapo to get you
- for "reeducation"