incessant- and perhaps incoherent- verbosity from an optimistic misanthrope.


en why sea.

I hold these truths to be self-evident:

  • the vegan options in NYC are limitless and extraordinary. A buffalo chicken sandwich with ranch dressing, entirely animal-free. Curly's Vegetarian Lunch, you make me happy.
  • Häagen Dazs' Zesty Lemon Sorbet tastes way better in a king-size bed with down-filled pillows watching pay-per-view with one of your favorite people than it does alone on your couch in the afternoon.
  • if someone else (like, say, a cabbie) mis-hears your directions, even though you repeated them twice, you are still financially responsible for his mistake, and he will yell at you until you acquiesce.
  • skinny black pants that are scrunched at the ankle are hot on both males and females.
  • I'm getting too old to party (I've retired to my room sober and before 2 am three nights in a row).
  • Strong Isle has lots of lampposts.
  • no matter how foxy and attentive your waiter is, he will probably mess up your highly-allergic friend's order.
  • people in NYC aren't afraid to look you in the eye and smile when passing you on the street, like they are in Seattle.
  • I may be too comfortable in this town. I walk around with my iPod on, in neighborhoods I'm not entirely familiar with, and don't feel any differently about my safety and surroundings than I do on Capitol Hill.
  • every hotel should start leaving Jameson and bananas on pillows instead of mints.
  • I often forget how much I like/liked certain people until I'm around them again.
  • Street Fighter II on the 360 looks just as shitty as it did in the arcade.
  • loud, wine-fueled debates about alcohol-branded condoms and how rapists using said prophylactics could be construed as good PR for said alcohol brand probably isn't the best dinner conversation in a tiny, crowded Italian restaurant.
Bulleted lists are for lazy bloggers. You can see pics of the first few days of my trip here. The rest have been much too boring to document.